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Showing posts from October, 2010

And the experiment continues....

So even after my last post the eating fest continued.  I did a cheat weighin (weighing in after working out and I was 350.  So I think I gained, but i have 6 days to try and get back to where I was, also my period is due any day now. Since I did alot yesterday I went kinda of easy today 30 min kendall hogan 30 min cardio.  I worked up a sweat, but it wasn't as motivating as it once was.  I think its because I've done it so much and know the routine.  I also did just about all the 12 min abs I've been avoiding and realized its too much for me.  I'm going to switch to the chris freytag ab workout. So I feel like my diet is a big scientific experiment.  I know after I workout I am ravenous.  So I had a carb heavy breakfast and a serving of the cabbage I made.  I was fine till i got to work then I had a napa cabbage salad (Yes to Feta, no to blue chesse).  I had 2 string cheeses and then lunch.  With lunch I had 32oz of water so I'...

Who knew 5lbs could feel so heavy.

So I haven't worked out since wednesday and its because friday I got on the scale and it went down. Also just because it was friday.  Since it was friday, I didn't pack a lunch, ate at the whole foods buffet, went out to dinner, ate too much and generally did everything possible to screw up my one pound loss.  Rather than learn from that I then spent saturday not eat anything good for me and eating when I was distinctly not hungry. BLAH !!! I managed to stop myself and today (Sunday) I got up worked out (80min) and sweated my butt off.  I had a nice healthy vegetable omelette.  I'm full and I won't be eating anything else till I'm hungry again. When I went to work out I think I was trying to punish myself so I did a workout, I usually hate, but today seemed not so horrible.  I think its because I'm in better shape when I first started.  I actually for down and did the floor portion for the first time and since i can't do a pushup I did a 30 sec plank ...

doing ok

down to 349 (without working out first) thought it should be more, but pretty sure my period is coming so nothing is going to be really accurate till it is all over. So pretty much need to stay exactly on plan Looking at myself in the mirror I think I am losing inches, but I could be wrong.  I'm going to have to measure, we'll see. Some otherstuff happened, but I want to get some more sleep in before I have to get up. Thinking about buying a food scale.  Also logging my food when i'm at work.  I would like it to be 800-1000, tue and thur and 1000-1200 mon, wed and fri.  Lets start with that and see what happens.

You are your biggest cheerleader

So things seem to be chugging along.  I figured out that the breakfast I was buying (spanish egg white omlette, with 2 slices of toast was probably upwards of 500 calories, maybe 7, not sure).  So I am buying the frozen breakfast and one slice of nature's promise bread.  I feel just as full, less calories and life is good.  so I think coupled with the eating out.  I can see how I was gaining. So I just did my wednesday work out. 27 min cadio inferno 15 min jari love. With the Jari love I think I need to go back to her first DVD and work my way up.  I like the compound exercises, but I am to weak to do most of them. There was a point on 3fc about being annoyed with the skinny minnies and I realized I don't really focus on whats other people look like I'm pretty obsessed with what I want for me. Also while I'm big, I think I'm sexy even with 2 stomachs and a bunch of cottage cheese.  When I was smaller I had low self esteem and I got better....

Hey 340s how you doin'

Well I finally feel like I am getting it. I seem to do IE naturally on the weekend and I lost weight and this isn't with a whole lot of exercise.  SO the problem seems to be my eating during the week.  I am going to calorie count for my food during the day at work.  I also bought some lean cuisines, but they are mind of sucky expecially after eating my own food, but I want to know whats going on during the week. I also bought a game called Walk it out for the Wii.  I am not counting it in my exercise minutes, but it is a work out.  I am trying to do 5000 steps whenever I play it.  My motivator right now is unlocking stuff as you walk, right now i am working on the music So I am at the point where I would extend my workout, but I am going to keep it 60 min mon,wed, and fri.  I think thats enough and I remember last night it seemed to take forever.  I should be done with my min way before the end of the month and I'll up my min to 600. 347 AFTE...

Feels good to sweat

So I didn't work out yesterday, it was friday and combined with me gaining a pound I just wasn't motivated.  Also I ate alot yesterday, and it was nice to not have to be obsessive  about what I was eating.  Something else I joined spark people and logged what I ate and according to them I was 3000 cal + yesterday, So my binge was eye opener, and yeah thats what it was a binge, yes it was healthy food, but I had way too much.  i ate my lean cuisine AND sushi and fruit.  Anyway, now that I had the fall.  I am back, up on the wagon.  I was supposed to do a hard workout, but i did kendall and total body toner, which I love.  55 min 352 as of 10/15/2010 I usually lose weight over the weekend and reading my blog and remember last night. I was completely an IE eate on the weekend and I did calorie counting with IE during the week.  So we'll see how it goes.

Well here here we go.

So I gained a pound.  I can't think I'm eating 3000+ calories as hungry as I am. Also the weird thing is I know I"ll drop it over the weekend I was getting a little upset, but I know I can drop it over the weekend without going through alot. So I've decided to eliminate my eating out at all during the week.  I'll be buying english muffins, lean cuisine, and prepared breakfast for the week and just cooking dinner. I'm a little grumpy, but I can count calories exactly.  I think I am eating too many meals where I am guessing and while they aren't filling me up they must be higher in calories than I think.  I think it also helped ot look back and my old blog entries....again its a work in progress.  I am wondering if the egg white breakfat I buy everyday is the culprit, the margarita, ....hmmm ok so lets think about this I gained 1lb.  so it isn't like I over ate alot.  I think there are things I am eating here and there that are causing the proble...

Just Live

so I read back on my old blog posts when I lost a good junk of the weight.  I realized  from sept -jan 2007 I just worked on ramping up and from jan to oct 2008 I lost weight.  So I am going to take from now to the end of the year to work out my plan.  I am pretty sure i gained, even though I've been hungry quite a bit, but I guess its a process. so i'll be grumpy getting on the scale and seeing the results, but its a process.  I also realized I was way more into IE than I have been.  On a nice note I'm 3 min away from being mid way to my 500 min goal for the month.  I saw in my old entries I was working on 600 min so I may up it next month.  I didn't work out Wed because I over slept, but I did 30 min watp at work.  I really need to find a replacement for her. blah I have been thinking I would like to reward myself with something for every 10 lbs lots.  I think it will be a WII game i can resist if I don't make a goal and it isn't...

A day of non scale victories

So yesterday I didn't workout at all.  I was ok with it.  I also decided since i cook just about all my regular meals I am ok buying breakfast tue and thur on my early days at work.  Work was unremarkable(you can see I building to something here.) I went out with my girlfriend and we ended up at dinner.  I ordered the sauteed chicken, with vegetables and there was a boiled potatoe.  I had half a margarita and NO CHIPS, not one.  I picked up one during dinner to help push some food onto my fork, but I put it down thinking why have even the one.  I used my finger.  Usually I would have demolished the bowl of chips in its entirety. Usually with this same girlfriend she eat a little bit of something and then offers me whats left and I graze off her plate(blah @human garbage can).  I didn't touch any of her stuff.  I was mildly curious, and it helped that she had ordered paella and I can't eat shrimp, but i resisted trying it out to see if...

Well Just call me the energizer bunny

Sundays is get ready for the week day.  Since the last few saturdays I've had something to do I only have Sunday to do some around the house.  I wanted to go shopping,  but I felt that I needed to get somethings done. So I got up, got the laundry together, went to the farmers market, 2 supermarkets, cooked lunch, dinner for the whole week and my roomates lunch as a favor.  THEN I folder and put away most of the clothes.  I have toms rearranging so didn't do everything. Then I was on the phone till a lil after 12 last  night and got up, no snoozing and worked out.  I was fine getting up and getting started  but I stopped to catch my breathe a few times, but I finished. On a related note I just tried the processed maple syrup and it is horrible. Too mushy and I think I can takes the extra chemicals. So I was reading something online about how healthy food is wonderful and great. I thought about the 4 hours I spend in the kitchen yesterday a...

doing ok

12 min Love kenda hogan I did the the 10 min cardio burn, but I had to stream it over the internet so it kept skipping and by the time I figured out the was almost over so only claiming 6 min of this one, but i liked it alot Then I did the first part of 6 pack abs...which is all standing and actually enough to feel like I did something.  I'll get on the floor for the rest of it on tuesday.  This with my 10 min chris freytag should get me up in the morning. I had alot of bread yesterday.  I forgot my lunch and had a foot long subway sandwish and then a turky on rye and then dinner and 2 puddings. Day one was ok.  I know it was alot of bread, but I did what I wanted ate when I was hungry and I didn't eat any fast food when I got home, came home and had the food I cooked. I wasn't going to count it as my first day of my 14 days on plan, but I'm ok with it.  hanging out today so wil be interested.  I'm going to buy some string cheese to...

On to the next one...

So this week, wasn't that good but not horrible.  I had the chocolate issue, the eating too much because of working out. I  has food of my girlfriends plate yesterday (potatoes) and rice with dinner last night.  No big portion issues, just not what I planned to eat.  I gained a lb.  Which all things considered isn't horrible. Oh yeah and I hadn't pooped all week and I think that had something to do with it. I also realized while I am trying to do low carb I am not doing a true atkin's induction more like the OWL portion so i am going to count calories and stick to low carb food, but adding fruit back in as a snack.   Oh yeah and buying something chocolate to bring. Totally didn't want to work out today, but Kendall hogan got me going. 30 min cardio. On a nice note.  I am past my weekly goal to hit my 500 min for the month. I looked over my weight history since 9/13 when I started back again and I've actually hit my weight goal for the month. 8l...

I couldn't wait 3 days...blah

This is a vent or rant or whatever you want to call it.  My girlfriend know I am trying to eat better, orders food and knows she can't finish and offers it to me, I didn't it all, but i ate potatoes, which I had managed to avoid for 7 days.  11 days and I had 3 more days of my 14 day goal and I missed it.  So freaking annoyed right now.  So back to the drawing board.  I'm pretty sure the scale gods will not be happy with me, grumpy right now. New 14 day goal starts tomorrow last day 10/22/2010

My own inspiration

So I read some of my old posts when I first lost weight and realize I'm repeating my same issues with the scale and obsessing.  I also realized I stayed on plan alot better the first time around.  Breakfast was 300cals and I brought it from home.  Lunch was lean cuisine, 2 pieces of fruit and a snack(doubt I keep doing that) and dinner was low cab.  No eating out during the week and if I did it was in moderation and mostly low carb. I haven't been honest.  I don't think I've been doing horrible, but I lose and think its ok.  I was hungry yesterday but I could have come home and had some veggies and the chocolate the other day and the 2 bag of doritoes.  Blah....Blah...Blah I say again.  So I'm going to coast out of the rest of this week. Official weighin is tomorrow.  I'll record that weight and then put up a page of weekly goals. 

When will I learn

So I'm up 2 lbs today 352.  Yeah not suppposed to weigh in till tomorrow, but I couldn't help it. I didn't cry.  I am happy I didn't do it last night, blah that would have sucked.  Anyway, I've been cheating, not alot, but enough that it shows.  Between the chocolate, and the jr burgers from last night.  I just don't thinki've been eating 2800+ calores, but I'm low carb so maybe I'm eating to many carbs? So its a process.

Will this ever become second nature?

So I feel fat.  I did 50+ min of exercise my body is stiff and sore and I have more energy and i feel fat.  I think I'm obsessing about the scale again.  I'm doing fine and still can't stop thinking. recipes, workouts, calories, carbs. I browse the new post on 3fc hourly.  Not really looking for anything, just obsessing...blah. Something else I think I had a micro binge, sounds weird...but not sure what else to call it.  After I work out especially not that I'm doing 2 separate workout videos I am famished about 15 min after.  I didn't have anything really ready to eat and I had to cook something for lunch and dinner, so I nibbled here and there.  it wasn't enough but it took the edge off.  I stopped at whole foods when I got to work and got some low carb stuff, but I added a half a spoonful of pasta to fill me a little more.  And I am obsess over all of that.  I know I didn't over do it. For the supposed binge I had one small lamb p...

Wondering if I am eating enough

Weird right, normally I would be wondering if I am eating too much, but I came home ravenous yesterday and was still hungry every couple hours till bed. I didn't over eat.  I also think it was because I didn't scarf down ALL the food. I ate then would wait until I could tell if I was still satisfied or was still hungry.  I ended up with a 100 cal snack right before bed. I did cardio inferno(27 min) today for the first time in a while, time flew by but I felt like i had to modify alot.  I then did then total body toner (25 min) and was like I had never done it before..   My triceps (wow I know what a tricep is) are killing me. Fri will be Kendal and the express weight workout. Nothing else really to report.  Oh yeah I am dying for loaded mashed potatoes.  the 10/10/2010 is my cheat day, so that craving will be gone.  Then it will be another 14 days on plan.  I like that I have scheduled cheat days, so I can live through the weekend knowi...

Death By Chocolate

So yesterday I ate my lunch as usual and wanted some chocolate.  The candy jar was empty and the vending machine didn't have anything.   I had to go out at lunch and I meant to get a dark chocolate bar, but forgot so finally I was done running around and still wanted chocolate (3 hours later), so I ended up buy a bunch of truffles from an expensive place.  I spent like 10$ blah.....I should have just had one mini and called it a day.  In scale news I of course am a glutton for punishment and got on the scale today.  I told me self...Self...fuck the scale, lol I am not going to sit and cry if I didn't go down or if I gained. I'm 350.  I didn't whoop with joy, I smiled and came here and reported it for my pat on the back.  That was with the 2 junior burgers saturday night, a small drink sunday night and the chocolate.  I have to go out to dinner tonight and this will motivate me to stay on plan. Oh yeah and my ankles are back to normal,...

Becareful what you ask for

34 min walking with Chris on ETV 25 min total body toner. So I was looking for a low impact weight workout, so I pulled out one of the firm DVDs I bought but never really got into and now it is right up my alley.  I can't do all of it, there is alot of modification, but I'll stick to it for a while.  Eating this weekend.  Sat I had jerk chicken, no rice or gravy (woo hoo) but i had 4 fried chicken wings (boo), but i think the wings did something to me, (bathroom issue). Sunday I had my usual omlette, but didn't slather it in anything.  (woo hoo)  I was out shopping, got hungry and had 2 steak taco (no sour cream, chips, or extra salsa).  Cooked a decent dinner and that was it.  No major screw up.  I'm still going to wait till wednesday for my weigh in. Other than that nothing really to report...woo hoo

Learning more about me

no working out today, I want to rest my ankle a little more.  I'm happy I'm losing, but I also want it to heal.  I'm visiting my parents today and Goal is to try and stay low carb while I'm there.  hanging out after, no real issue there. I have to drive so I don't drink. So Yesterday was friday and I realized I do alot of emotional eating on friday. One, I think its the end of the week so i get to treat myself and the treat is usually food.  Instead I went to whole foods and finally discovered a place to by the peppers I've been looking for (habanero and Serrano).  Its a different form of retail therapy but its worked.  On my way home I hate coming home to an empty house and no plans so I think I do some comfort food eating.  I was hungry when I left work so I had to small bags of doritos (300cal total ) and when I got home to low fat puddings.  not great, but better than the fast food I would have eaten. Also Tue and thur are my early days ...

I will not let the scale control Me

So yesterday once again I just KNEW I had lost like 20 lbs...ok I'm exaggerating, but you get the idea. Anyway so stupidly I got on the scale at night after eating. Bonehead move.  I was 357.  I cried and then at 2 low fat puddings.  Then it occurred to me that in fact I was a bonehead and there should be some kind of loss in the morning. Got up this morning 354 after I worked out 353. I am claming the 353 for today.  So I lost the weight I gained.  I would like it to be more but Happy it isn't higher. So changes for next week.  Making my own breakfast and only 1 piece of bread to go with it.  No more wholefoods.  I think I did ok, but I think I have issues with what they are putting in it. Cooking Brussell Sprouts Collard green Broccoli (for my roommate) Greek Turkey patties Wings (my lunch) some other meat. Next weigh in is Friday.  I am one lb short of my 8lb goal for the month...I am not goign to make next month 9 lbs, just ...