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Showing posts from 2009

Weird motivation

So I've been trying to complete 100 min of exercise for a while and falling short. So today I did my work out and was at 89 min (woo hoo) so I did short cuts for weight loss ans that was another 15 min and I met my goal (yeah) which motivated me not to eat crap...Let see how it goes.

Bet you think I was coming back

Funny I never stop thinking about losing weight I just stop acting on the thought. So I think I'm in the 340s, again blah.... So I am trying to do something easy to get started. 100 min of excercise. if it takes all month thats fine, but thats the goal and I'll add on 10 min when I set the next goal. 25 min today 2mi WATP.

Doing Something

So I am on a fitness challenage that I started and have failed to do pretty much. So I finally got off my bum and did a work out. drop it in 30 (23 min , I didn't do the cool down) get chiseled 15 min So 38 min ain't bad. I 'm supposed to do 150 min in five days and i have 4 days to do it we'll see how well that works, lol. I kinda decided to do what I like and the heck with working supper hard and then being grumpy and discouraged. I do have to say it felt like much longer. Good news I went one full day eating exactly what i was supposed too....which I was nice. I went to the dr on monday and had a nasty surprise on the scale, so this has helped be more conscious. Also my blood pressure was 130/90 which is high for me. Yet another reason to do better.

Wedding dress pressure

LOL, so I was looking at wedding dresses and I have been feeling sluggish and I want to be able to shop in a store and buy what I want. I probably won't buy anything till decemeber, but I I didn't do much, but every little bit counts 20 min big shots at weight loss. Tomorrow is wii Thurs is weigh in. 1800 calories

WII-ing it up

Wasn't motivated but did it anyway, lol...helped that I have more variety with the wii so I did 30 min core my personal trainer (MPT) - 201 cal burned 18 min Sports active (SA) Day one of 30 days (med) - 200 cal burned. Feeling good...

It hurts so good

so I'm back to working out. I ate my way through house and home since probably may, but thats the past can't change it...usually when I come back i have all these goals and beat myself self up. RIght now my only goal is to be consistent till 8/1/2009 and then see where I am WATP 2 mi=25 min Belly butt and thighs =15 min

so far so good WII fit day 3

Cardio overdrive 20 total body toner 20 wii ea sport day 2 - 224 calories/21 min So the wii is keeping motivatied....bascailly the excercise are short enough that I by the time I'm tired or annoyed its over. i think the only thing I won't be doing is the inline skating...I also kinda wish there was a setting for bad knees...or in the profile you could request low impact...but I just modify as I go..the inline skating was just a waste...I might see if I can modify it again....Oh yeah and the running never seem to synch with me...maybe because of the size of the thigh..which are pretty I run at my pace...which brings up another point...I would be nice if I could turn off the trainer and just watch the picture or have the words on the screen....I know I am running slow, but the fact I am running at all should be ok lol... Anyway, even with all of my was TOTALLY word the money.

Miracles do happen - Wii fit day 2

so I bought ea sports active..used it for one day and got ill from bad fish so this is day 2....LOL. I had to reset my 500 calories in 7 days and 7 hours of excersize and something else I can't remember...i wish there was a way to have the wii upload my info so I can track it online... 29 min of excercise and 300 calories burned. hoping to get in more tomorrow.

feeling good- 330

So this will be quick...I was sick so I lost 7 lbs...and coming off that I stuck to good eating and have continued to life it good drop it it in 30 and weight portion of total body toner.

Hiya....updates - 339

I keep bouncing around in the 330...I think the lowest I got was 332. SO...I bought a wii and ea active which is a "game" to help you work out and make it interesting. I did it yesterday and liked it. So that should up my excercise time. I looked at how much I'm doing and need to up it. So we'll see... The game has a 30 day challenge so as of right now I am only goes up to 300 so'm at 339 because all the eating and liquor I've had over the last 5 or so some of that should come off fairly quickly. My family came to visit, I had a friend over and I went to my cousin graduation yeah no eating out for a week except for my usual friday. Added later.... So I did about 30 min of my dvds and wasn't really feeling ot so I jumped on the wii and did another 26 min....and burned 25o I'll keep track of that.... So that puts be back in the one hour range. I'm not sure of I'll do anymore toda...

Hiya...doing ok

So I have been watching what I eat and not working out. The eating part is kinda easy now...The working out I realized after 3 years with the same DVDS I wasn't quite as motivated so I tried one I originally didn't like total body toner and did one of my favorites cardio infernoe and look it there...I enjoyed I think we're back and I am going to pics up a few more....woo hoo.

4/15/2009 - 333

Funny usually I don't post when I am doing badly, but I have been doing pretty ok. The bet with my girlfriend has been working. I am pretty conscience about what I eat and having been doing much better. I have 10 days, so I should be ok, no makor holidays or anything. This week I am eating out alot, but the key to that seems to be swapping out side dishes for salad or veggies even if it costs more and not getts really saucy stuff. I have had popyes and stuff, but rather than mash potatoes and red beans ans rice and a buscuit and 5 chicken stripes and a drink. I get 2-3 little wraps and a possible drink. I know it is n't good, but it breaks up the monotony of salad and I practice about portion control. Anyway, I seem to be doing ok.

Worked out on a Friday ...will wonders never cease

And honestly it wasn't a big deal to get out of bed.....either way, Weigh in is tomorrow...hoping I am under 338...and that I didn't accidentally gain 10 lbs ...blah. Cardio inferno - minus last weight segment.- 21 min Jari love combo vid - squats/lunges, straight leg deadlift with lat row, step up with over head press.(????) 15 min 36 min total. I think I did more than that, but just happy I did something, LOL.

Chugging along...doing me

Cardio parts of maximum cardio and half workout - 24 abs advance 8 min jari love, squat/lunges,bent leg deadlift, stiff leg deadlift, overhead press = 20 min 52 min So I am going along. Eating has been on point. I realize looking back the problem wasn't my cooking, but what I was eating. The chipotle stuff was all veggies, no fruit. the cheesecake brownie every couple day. yeah I wasn't going to lose anything with that. I think everyone has diet that works for them, for me it is going to lean towards low carb and that definitely wasn't the way I was eating. Anyway, Doing ok.....the bet is keeping me motivated.

Can't stop won't stop, Changing my motivation

Ok, so I have been working out, but not keeping track not sure why, but my eating has been horrible...complete comfort eating. So a friend of mine $50 I would be 329 by May 1. So'll get on the scale April one and work my ass of. I think I've become desensitized to my motivation, or discouraged. will all the ups and downs the scale isn't the motivation it once was. So we'll see how this works so warm up and strength big cut to weight loss jari love, squat/lunge,bent leg deadlift and bicep curl, strangleg deadlife, overhead press. I'll calculate the min later.

The scale is is appblebees - 335

So I worked out, probably not the super workout I planned, but it is what it is. So I used the restoom and ended up at 335. So gained weight....3-4 lbs but not the 8-9 I thought it STOP USING THE SCALE AT NIGHT. Also I realized while I probably didn't think I ate badly I didn't eat anything at home...i think all my meals were eaten out, subway, baja, popeeyes, applebess..yeah I can see it now...So ONE Meal on friday and thats it. I did bootcamp firm...i didn't do the third weight section. oh yeah and I hate kickboxing...

Beaten but not Broken

So I was feeling good, I've been working out. I wore a skirt I haven't been able to fit in a while so I said hey lets see what the scale says....339, I cried...I just wanted to give up..I still just want to say the hell with it... I could guess at what happened, and it is only 7 lbs....I can lose that in a week. I am so...unhappy right now...the yo-yoing... No eating out till I hit 329. PERIOD. no applebess no idea what I am going to do when I go home to visit my parents.. Weigh in everySaturday now. I can't even express my level of disappointment right now. Its 11pm at night. So the only possible good thing is I KNOW it will be lower in the morning..... I was so FUCKING close...BLAH.....

Still Going...

I didn't work out wed or friday of last week so I did something this weekend and worked out today..soo Saturday Cardio inferno, didn't do second weight section - 15 min. Butt and thighs 15 min Sunday Chris shortcuts -26 min MOnday Chris cellulite - 41 min Jari love - 10 Eating was ok, most of the week then as usual friday and saturday I ate out. I don't think I over ate and I didn't so that b adly. Weighin is Saturday. Something interesting. I was going to do my min from Feb 23 to Mar 23 so the Feb min wouldn't be wasted and I guess in case I feel off the wagon again, but I calculated just from March 1 and I have 145 already...which isn't usual at all. I guess doing a little everyday works rather than tryin to kill myself 3 times a week.

Back it and still moving...

So since I stayed on plan last week I didn't work out this weekend AND i had popeyes on friday....Eating wasn't great....little things like I went to baja fresh and instead of the 2 taco AND a salad burrito I just had 2 tacos. So no idea if I gained or not, but I'm feeling ok. Today Cardio inferno - didn't do the second weight sections -21 belly butt and thighs- did half the abs....and not other floor work 17 min

Walking is still ok

So its friday and as usual this is the day I REALLLY don't want to work I said ok I won't do the really hard work out I planned...I'll do a WATP and belly butt and thighs...The sweat was pouring off of me. LOL So watp 2 mile - 20 min belly butt and thigs, no belly, and no floor work - 15 min I am going to TRY to do something easy tomorrow morning...We'll see. not getting on the scale today...still basking in the 332. So lets talk about food...yesterday I forot to pack my lunch so I had 1 english muffin glass of milk salmon salad lots of salad dressing (blah) sushi so not great but not bad either.

Hard work pays off

So I wasn't supposed to get on the scale until suday, but I jumped on anyway...332...have to say I wanted to cry...Feels nice when all the eating right and excercising pays off. Before I got on the scale my motivation was being able to go to an amusement part and get on a roller coaster. while I was in orlando. So Happy. can't wait to see the 320s You don't have to excercise for 2 hours to lose weight. I did cardio infernio...all the cardio..only one weight section Jari love slim and lean squats and biceps. I will add back next week. I haven't been builind up to my 90 min I used to do and I think those days are gone. I feel like I challenged myself and I got in a good workout which I think it more important that excercising for hours. We'll see.

ya I suck again..

I was doing so well and then I didn't work out at all next week ..well except for Monday. I didn't cook so I ate out alot and that was a mess...So Saturday I got up and cooked for the weekend and i worked out this this morning. So I did Cardio inferno - minus the second weight segment. 15min Jari love slim and lean - squat, biceps. 10 min I'll add more as time goes on, just want to stay consistent


Normally when I don't post for a while its because I havent been working out or I have been doing badly... but actually I have worked out 4-5 days this month. The rule is basically i do waht I want to do...not forcing myself to do anything to hit my goal for min every month. I think I will go back to it, but I was getting to the point where if I wasn't going to work out for 80 min I wouldn't get up and counting the min was killing me.... So I have been working out, food has been good, I think my only weakness is weekend eating out, but I'll deal with today I am going to cook and life is good oh yeah 338 as of 2-11-09 I would LIKE to get out of the 330 by the end of the month..we'll see

Do something

So I didn't work out friday or saturday so I felt like I need to do something today. I just found a preventin fitness shortcuts to weight loss. 15 min short cuts to weightloss It wasn't much but i was sweating by the end. I got my period today so wondering what my weight will be when it is done. But this means that for my PMS I made pretty good choices. woo hoo and actually lost weight. I am going to have a steak and salad today. I have been craving beef quite a bit. I cooked my lunch for the week last night. I made spinach pasta salad and martha stewart asian stuffed cabbage rolls. I didn't put enough salt in the rolls, but other than that everything is ok. I'm going to make jamabalysa for dinner and put it over veggies.

339 - ok...choices...slow and steady

So this week I tried to make better trying to plan the whole day just better choices. I was hungry one night going home and knew I would have about 2 hours before i got home and by the time I go home ...normally I would have picked up a crossaiant (400 calories) and i really am not a fruit person and never will be, but that is coming later. So I figured out ok I don't want fruit which would have been the asy choice but I didn't really want and I don't wanna waste of calories...So I picked out a chicken pest salad for 200 calories. I think I am going to make that for one of my meals this week. I ate out twice this week, and it wasn't the greatest. One NSV that did happen was, whenever i go out with my girlfriend from work she never finishes her food and she offeres it for me, nad even if i've been doing good, I feel like I fall off the wagon, but then eating her food too. Well this time I was kinda lusting for what she had (chef salad) but I said...

Doing ok

Only did the second cheerleader video can't find belly butt and thighs, so I might do that tonight. cardio overdrive 40 min, I thought it was really only 20 something. So I'm good for right now. Eating has been pretty good. I'll get on the scale saturday morning. Something I realized I'm never going to be as focused as when I first started this journey, which is probably ok since I couldn't maintain that forever...same food over and over again ...blah... Yesterday I had a busy day and wanted to go out and buy food even though I had brough lunch. I stayed in the office and ate my rice and carrots. Something else in NY they have the calories on everything, so the choclate crossiant that I had brainwashed myself into believe it was 200 Calories is more like 400+ with a class of milk that about 600 calories for breakfast. So i realized I could have an english muffin, milk and saugage (from home) and be just as even less eating out. I don't want to kno...


Haven't worked out in a week, but back it. Cooked this morning. I would like to go all of Feb with not eating out at all. I think my friends are going to be a lil disappointed. I cooked this morning and so we'll see how it goes. Total body toner 25 min drop it in 30 (the hard one) =23 min total 48 min. Oh yeah and I was saturday morning so there is my motivation.

Workout out for 1/17

I wanted to see how I felt if I plan my workouts. I know How I feel generall so the idea is to start with a hard workout and end up easier on Fridays which is the day I usually don't work out. Monday Old Cheerleader/jair love ripped to the core Wednesday Ab, Sun Ye, total body toner Friday walk and job/belly butt and thighs

Well my guy is gone.

Funny how life decides things. I haven't worked out in about a week, my guy was deployed to Iraq this week and I was up late most night talking to him on Skype. He left yesterday and I did a full workout today. I have a wedding to plan :) My eating has been pretty good except fro the last two days...when I went out twice. I didn't overeat, but I shouldn't have gone out. I will be out and about this weekend so we'll see how things go. 26 min total body toner (felt longer) 41 min cardio overdrive

First week and doing ok

Excercise drop it in 30 - 24 min belly butt and thighs - 25 min So my first full week of working out in a good long while...As usual didn't want to get up and work out so rather then force myself to do something I did. i went with an easier workout so I at least did something. Kinda cool I ended up doing more since I added in the belly butt and thighs I went out to eat twice yesterday indian...I shared a rice and a bread with the woman I went with and ordered lamb with spinach. I am sure it wasn't great, but I figured it was better to have lamb in a spinach sauce with actual spinach than meet in a sauce and no veggie at all... Went to the Famous Daves with a friend. Had a salad for appetizer, catfish nuggest and shoe string onion rings. Oh yeah big boo boo. I ordered a mudslide while I was waiting and he refilled it twice. Probably 1000 calories at least, but I am not betting myself up. It happened once. I won't do it again and Other than that I did ok. I was a lil ...

Doing complaints- 337

I don't think challenge are for me, they seem to be a last ditch effort to force me to do something...but really when I'm ready I am focused... So if history is correct I'm focused and I will be until about april or may... I will get bored so trying not to eat the same thing every day. I'm 337...which I totally didn't see...nice. I thought I was back into the 340 or even the 350..but I don't think my body will let me get that big again. I was thinking of trying Alli...but I think that about that another time. Eating has been rice (except sushi) and only salad and meat when I've been eating out. I did fall into my usual trap of eating my girlfriend food, but I'll deal with that one day. Right now breakfast is fruit or salad when I get to work....I think I'll do turkey burgers tonight. Another weigh in on Dec 15th. As usual I'm a planner, my dude leave for IRAQ in a few days and comes back in the very least I would like ...

Ashamed...yet another year

Well december was a wrap from about my birthday till now...So no point in rehashing. I had a last applebees encounter yesterday...and the 21 days I'll deal with later I did get back into working out, not what I was doing but it is something. watp - walk strong. 30 min 600 min workout challenge for the month. Get on the scale jan 15th...blah