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Well I got back on track with the walking. 7 miles in 2 days is alot compared to where i started from and would be nice to knock out 10 miles by sunday (the end of my work out week).

Well on 3fc I have noticed how bad High Frucose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is. So I had some lamb to cook and wanted some flavor. So instead of the marinade (which has HFCS) I bought I put some olive oil, rosemary and thyme in a pan and heated that then added the lamb. A little salt and pepper on both sides. It was probably the best lamb I have ever cooked.

I think I am going to give the un-used stuff to my family and finish up the rest. Or we'll see.

Something else that happened yesterday. I take the bus from NY to NJ to go home and there is a long escalator to get to the bus top. Easily 20-30 feet.....and the escalator wasn't working. I walked up without stoping. I didn't feel like I was going to die and at the top I didn't stop I kept moving to get to where I had to go. So I realized excercise and eating right has benefits other than weight loss. It was nice to look at the escalator and not panic that I wasn't going to be able to make it.

Today is days 3 of me bringing my lunch to work and it is going ok. I think part of it is I am not going out for lunch so it doesn't bother me. I think next week I am going to try and start walking at work.


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