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Well I finally finished one of my weight loss goals. I walked 100 miles. I didn't do it in the time alloted (i was supposed to finish christmas day) but I think the important thing is I finished. I didn't give up. I have to say I am proud of myself. I know at around the 30 and 50 mile mark it just seemed like it was so much, but I just planned one day at a time. I am sitting here grinning like a big ole fool.

So all week I have been thinking about new years resoultions. Usually i am saying I want to lose 50 lbs or workout everyday for 3 hours. Things, I think, are just no realistic. not because it isn't possible, but beause I didn't have a plan in place to accomplish those things. With the 100 miles I realize ok in order to walk to my goal I need to do at least so many miles per day or per week and this is how I am REALISTICLY going to get there.

Normally I would be thing I have to lose 50lbs. Now I am thinking ok, I lost 3 lbs and I really want to lose 5. How am I going to do that?

Well here are my goals for the year. I may modify them and just like with my walk challenge I will be flexible so I can reach my ultimate goal without beating myself up with guilt.

-Be able to do 25 pushups by the end if the year.
-walk 100 miles every 90 days.
(I didn't say how many miles for the year because I want to see how much I do just on my own)

I think thats it for now. Things I would like to see change.

My knees stop hurting permanently.
Be able to fit into a smaller size for my trip to Jamaica this year.
-Stop eating out as much as I do, more for my wallet than anything else.
-Make my excercise portable. I don't seem to what to excercise in front of my boyfriend or family when they visit or I visit them, so I wan to change that.

Ok, thats it for now.

Happy new Year.


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