So I finished my June workout challenge a little early (june 22) I did cathe's Super Cuts once I think just to stay get something in, but its been pilates and walking for most of that time.
It's July, a new month, new challenge and my body was pretty much telling me get my ish together and do some sweating. The plan was to workout tuesday, wednesday and thurday to kind of ramp up for the 4th of july holiday weekend since I would be away visiting family. The best laid plans.
I did something to my knee..or rather I redid something to my knee it comes and goes, so I did pilates, but I still need a workout. I was going to do some harder stuff, but I wasn't interested in 45 min to an hour and I also wanted strength. Weirdly lower body strength training has helped alot with knee pain, and I haven't really done much of it consistently..
So to the google mobile and came up with Jillian Michael's 30 day beginner shred.
I have tried 30 day shred,but she irked my soul quite a bit, and I hate that she doesn't do the work out with you. Cathe Friedrich does it and will say you know what lets walk for a bit because I'm on fire. Anyway....with all that I loved the DVD. I'm basically a high beginner/low intermediate exerciser. It is circuit training, 3 rounds and no alot of boucing/dancey moves. There is floor work, but once she is on the floor she stays there.
You kind of get the sense she thinks this is a waste of time and in my opinion she ignores the person doing the modification. She is pretty much always pushing for you to do the advanced level which is probably normal for her, not advanced. I ignored that and did what I could. My belief is it is better for me to do a 30 second plank on my knees than 5 seconds on my toes. I also have a feeling of accomplishment which goes a long way to mentally feeling like your doing something.
There are 3 workouts you're supposed to do each one 10 days in a row and then move on to the next. I am guessing at the end you should be ready for 30 days shred.
So yeah I'm never going to do that. The same exact workout 10 days in a row...
I know by day 4 I'm now gonna want to get up at 4am and so it....even if it is only 20 min...just too much sameness for too long.
With all of that being said. I think this is a great beginner workout DVD, particularly if you want to get into strengh training AND you are not into bouncy/dancey workouts.
So the plan is to add this on the days I'm not motivated. I think tomorrow I'll try day 2.
Something else...I can keep up with her ab work from all the pilates. In the past if there was ab work didn't bother because I could do one crunch and then just lay there.
Workout Plan for July
21 x Cardio or Strength (CoS)
12 x Pilates
I'm basically working out 5 times a week. Hoping this is my last month of beginner pilates and I can try some new stuff next month.
It's July, a new month, new challenge and my body was pretty much telling me get my ish together and do some sweating. The plan was to workout tuesday, wednesday and thurday to kind of ramp up for the 4th of july holiday weekend since I would be away visiting family. The best laid plans.
I did something to my knee..or rather I redid something to my knee it comes and goes, so I did pilates, but I still need a workout. I was going to do some harder stuff, but I wasn't interested in 45 min to an hour and I also wanted strength. Weirdly lower body strength training has helped alot with knee pain, and I haven't really done much of it consistently..
So to the google mobile and came up with Jillian Michael's 30 day beginner shred.
I have tried 30 day shred,but she irked my soul quite a bit, and I hate that she doesn't do the work out with you. Cathe Friedrich does it and will say you know what lets walk for a bit because I'm on fire. Anyway....with all that I loved the DVD. I'm basically a high beginner/low intermediate exerciser. It is circuit training, 3 rounds and no alot of boucing/dancey moves. There is floor work, but once she is on the floor she stays there.
You kind of get the sense she thinks this is a waste of time and in my opinion she ignores the person doing the modification. She is pretty much always pushing for you to do the advanced level which is probably normal for her, not advanced. I ignored that and did what I could. My belief is it is better for me to do a 30 second plank on my knees than 5 seconds on my toes. I also have a feeling of accomplishment which goes a long way to mentally feeling like your doing something.
There are 3 workouts you're supposed to do each one 10 days in a row and then move on to the next. I am guessing at the end you should be ready for 30 days shred.
So yeah I'm never going to do that. The same exact workout 10 days in a row...
I know by day 4 I'm now gonna want to get up at 4am and so it....even if it is only 20 min...just too much sameness for too long.
With all of that being said. I think this is a great beginner workout DVD, particularly if you want to get into strengh training AND you are not into bouncy/dancey workouts.
So the plan is to add this on the days I'm not motivated. I think tomorrow I'll try day 2.
Something else...I can keep up with her ab work from all the pilates. In the past if there was ab work didn't bother because I could do one crunch and then just lay there.
Workout Plan for July
21 x Cardio or Strength (CoS)
12 x Pilates
I'm basically working out 5 times a week. Hoping this is my last month of beginner pilates and I can try some new stuff next month.