not sure what happened, but I don't have a post for monday...anyway, as of rightnow I'm up to 191 min
Monday I did abs with chris 12 min, cardio inferno and kendal strength.
Today I do 29 min Kendal, 8 min abs with chris (no warm up this time) and strength with Kendall(38 min)
I haven't been on the scale and not really pressed. not sure I'll ever go back to weekly weigh ins again. Eating is ok. I went out to lunch yesterday. Ikept thinking ok I need to find something I should be eating, but what ends up happening is I'm not happy and feel like I wasted the eating out. So I got what I wanted a hamburger, with bacon and instead of fries I got salad and only used half the salad dressing and I was happy. My girlfriend did the usually you can eat whatever off my plate a few times and I said no thanks and wasn't pressed about it.
The ex and I had another talk and I'm not happy, but rather than sprial into bad eating and not exercising I gotup and didn't let it bother me. I think it also helps I can see myself getting better with the kendal strength workout. I'm not struggling as much as least with the arms. With the legs I changed some to closed leg squats and until my ankle is completely healed I'm going to have issues with lunges.
I also would like to find an ab workout I can do all of the exercises.
Nothing else goingon :)
Monday I did abs with chris 12 min, cardio inferno and kendal strength.
Today I do 29 min Kendal, 8 min abs with chris (no warm up this time) and strength with Kendall(38 min)
I haven't been on the scale and not really pressed. not sure I'll ever go back to weekly weigh ins again. Eating is ok. I went out to lunch yesterday. Ikept thinking ok I need to find something I should be eating, but what ends up happening is I'm not happy and feel like I wasted the eating out. So I got what I wanted a hamburger, with bacon and instead of fries I got salad and only used half the salad dressing and I was happy. My girlfriend did the usually you can eat whatever off my plate a few times and I said no thanks and wasn't pressed about it.
The ex and I had another talk and I'm not happy, but rather than sprial into bad eating and not exercising I gotup and didn't let it bother me. I think it also helps I can see myself getting better with the kendal strength workout. I'm not struggling as much as least with the arms. With the legs I changed some to closed leg squats and until my ankle is completely healed I'm going to have issues with lunges.
I also would like to find an ab workout I can do all of the exercises.
Nothing else goingon :)