So I binged over the weekend. I started out as ok I get to have some of the stuff I missed while doing diet bet, but eh it was really a binge
3 donuts
3 sushi rolls
1 pint of ice cream (actually wasn't that bad but couldn't resist)
potatoes while I was out and an onion bloom
By sunday it wasn't so much a binge as just eating crap. I gave myself a day before I got on the scale and I'm up 5 lbs. I also ate an entire thing of smoked salmon because I was hungry and didn't have anything prepped for dinner. That was monday.
So yeah no smoked salmon in the house...blah. Its low carb, but too much salt.
I did food prep for the week, and no lingering need to eat crap.
Anyway, I also don't think I'll be doing dietbet. 14 lbs in a month while doable, isn't sustainable for me. I pretty much was doing anything to make goal and then kind of burnt out at the end. It was a good jump start and I might do it again, but right now my goal is 8 lbs for the month. I think its alot more doable without making me crazy. I got on the scale and didnt feel like OMG I gained 5 lbs. I knew I had cheated/binged and worked out. There isn't this big pressure to lose it immediately like with dietbet.
I did join 2 challenges on 3fc, to help keep me accountable. 1 for exercise which I've been doing and one where I set my own goal weight for the month. I'm not sure if its because there is no money involved, but I feel challenged without being overwhelmed.
Hoping the cheat weight will be gone this week.
3 donuts
3 sushi rolls
1 pint of ice cream (actually wasn't that bad but couldn't resist)
potatoes while I was out and an onion bloom
By sunday it wasn't so much a binge as just eating crap. I gave myself a day before I got on the scale and I'm up 5 lbs. I also ate an entire thing of smoked salmon because I was hungry and didn't have anything prepped for dinner. That was monday.
So yeah no smoked salmon in the house...blah. Its low carb, but too much salt.
I did food prep for the week, and no lingering need to eat crap.
Anyway, I also don't think I'll be doing dietbet. 14 lbs in a month while doable, isn't sustainable for me. I pretty much was doing anything to make goal and then kind of burnt out at the end. It was a good jump start and I might do it again, but right now my goal is 8 lbs for the month. I think its alot more doable without making me crazy. I got on the scale and didnt feel like OMG I gained 5 lbs. I knew I had cheated/binged and worked out. There isn't this big pressure to lose it immediately like with dietbet.
I did join 2 challenges on 3fc, to help keep me accountable. 1 for exercise which I've been doing and one where I set my own goal weight for the month. I'm not sure if its because there is no money involved, but I feel challenged without being overwhelmed.
Hoping the cheat weight will be gone this week.