Added later: I skimmed my blog looking for something else and realized I've had the whole tastless much epiphany before (is it an epiphany if you had it before and forgot?) anyway...hopefully I won't forget this time.
I wonder if I'll ever get to the point with IE where i am not learning something. Well my body went sort of on strike the last few days and I gave in to its demands. I just couldn't make myself eat another tasteless whole wheat English muffin. So I bought Cinnamon raisin ones. Yes they have more calories and yes they probably have some evil chemical
in them, but they taste better and I am tired of tasteless dreck. Also I didn't eat my usual lean cuisine/Healthy choice prepackages rubber chicken. I treated myself to Indian and loved it. I have no idea who many calories I had yesterday
....probably quite alot, but I can tell today I am back in the drivers seat.
I also had a donut and milk for breakfast
So what have we learned boys and girls
...I like good food. I would rather eat a little fattening good food
, than alot non fattening tasteless dreck:barf:
Only worked out for 30 min today, first time in a long while it happened
, but considering i didn't work out at all I'm happy. Will try and make every effort to get in the other 30 min. I am wondering where my lose will be for next week, but as long as I haven't gained I'll be ok.
Something else. Some people say don't put to much hope in the scale
and maybe measuring is better, but the scale is what I have been used to and really I know myself. I can lose 30 inches, but if the scale doesn't come up with the right number I could care less about the inches.
On a completely unrelated note. My and the guy I am dating seem to be out of the bad patch. Funny I had to treat him like dirt for it to happen. I started turning my phone off and he got the message...wacky
I wonder if I'll ever get to the point with IE where i am not learning something. Well my body went sort of on strike the last few days and I gave in to its demands. I just couldn't make myself eat another tasteless whole wheat English muffin. So I bought Cinnamon raisin ones. Yes they have more calories and yes they probably have some evil chemical
I also had a donut and milk for breakfast
So what have we learned boys and girls
Only worked out for 30 min today, first time in a long while it happened
Something else. Some people say don't put to much hope in the scale
On a completely unrelated note. My and the guy I am dating seem to be out of the bad patch. Funny I had to treat him like dirt for it to happen. I started turning my phone off and he got the message...wacky