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Showing posts from November, 2008


So I hit my fitness goal but I haven't been doing great with the eating. So this thread and anything with the labl confession is where I admit to the bad stuff. So Monday I had a kitkat from the vending machine.....argh... and i had 2 serving of dinner...not sure if I was hungry or not, but i didn't and I can't think I needed that second serving. Tuesday I ate 10 of the ball choclate things..I just couldn't stop, was BAD idea to buy them...oh yeah I had a muffin for breakfast and I had 2 servings of dinner again. I realized I wouldn't only blog when I did good stuff and never really admit to myself the bad so here we go....taking responsibility for my actions.

Hit my fitness goal...

Same work out minus 5 min so I am at 22 hopefully that is about to take me over my goal... Ok so I am 503 (i'm at 77min for today, 503 for the month) so I hit my goal. no movement on the scale....yeah I'm a lil disappointed, but i know'll see in the post above. Also its only been two days.....

Really intuitive eating

So I am doing better, kinda wanna get on the scale, but will wait till wednesday and again on Saturday..I think that will keep me honest the holiday. so abs 8 warmup, 8 core, 6 clasic=22 min 35 min the firm: total body time crunch. I hadn't done this before and I didn't like the cuing but the weights are slower and more focused in the ones with allison davis, but I think this is better for a day when I am not feeling motivated. 25 min jari love- with this one since my "aerobic" stuff usually has toning in it I pick and choose the areas I wanna focus on...legs, back, shoulders, arms and since both are usually compound excercises I feel like I am doing what I wanna do, and still getting a good workout. So eating today..goals....4 pieces of chocolate, no eating anything I didn't bring from home.

Every Little bit helps

So I was in bed this morning thinking i did my abs, but i don't feel anything....well low and behold i got out of bed and stretched and my abs yeah thats what you think. My arms also chimed in. So I was going to do Shortcuts to be weight loss, which is 3 10 min segments, but it seemed to have alot of weight work. I did the first one which is compound exercise without weights and felt li ke I did something....anything this one is good for the days when I don't wanna do 2 seperate DVDs, but I wanna do something. I added the 15 I did, and now I am pretty much 2 workouts shy of my goal...woo hoo Eating was ok, had egg weight omlets with lots of stuff, 2 fiber bars and 2 burrito from baja fresh, but I took them out of their tortillas and make it a bowl which I think probably halved the calories since I know the tortialla is about 300-500 calories. I didn't feel full afterwards, just satisfied....nice.. So something I want to try in decmber is a points system. I want to work ...


Well this was a bad eating week, but I worked out today...and I am the whole pattern thing is motivating me. abs advantage -18 min (was actually pretty cool, felt like a work out without making me feel like I was dying) 3-2-1 work out- 38 min ( I didn't do any of the floor work since i had just done the abs, not interested in getting down on the ground only to get up again. Ripped to the core - 30 min 86 min total nice..and this is with me doing the stuff i wanted to do and not forcing anything....


Cardio over drive (41) 15 min jari love...just won't motivated to finish, but I did something so woo hoo for me. Eating has been crap, but I went food shopping, and i feel motivated so cool. Something cool. I am 7 min from half way...woo hoo. so I should be getting patterns this month. A second look at the calendar made me realize I can't miss anymore days...or I wil miss my goal yet again...blah...wish me luck

Same ole same ole

Got on the sscale on a whim 336, but I have my persiod so we'll see where I am friday. Cardio overdrive (41min ) and jari love ripped to the core (30 min). Went food shopping yesterday and didn't buy anything sweet (i.e ice cream or danish) Feeling ok. I have to buy a new years eve dress so have more incentive since i haven't really bought clothes in 2 years....So would like to get some stuff in january as well...for a size 24..but we'll see.

nothing to report

I did 209 min last month so I should be able to get 2 patterns, but I didn't stick it. I ate out alot last week, but don't think I did horrible. I have my period so don't trust the scale, we'll see where I am on friday. This will be my first regular week in a while so looking to be consistent. 40 min cardio over drive.. I started to do total body toner, but I think I like heavier weight and less movement. So will do this tomorrow.