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Showing posts from June, 2015

What have we learned June 2015

So I put the air conditioner in last night and no problems getting up. My electric bill is going to be interesting at the end of the month, but its worth it. So last day of the month.  There were alot of ups and down, but my belief is this is a journey and you learn from the sucky moments just as well and the awesome ones. Last scale reading for the month was 359. What did I learn: -I can go out and have a drink. A drink, and wine is better than beer.  I will see a bump up on the scale, but as long as I go right back to eating on plan and working out it is really just a blip and not much to worry about -I do better when I bring lunch to work.   I can stay on plan without, but its will help me and my pocketbook -Being consistent yields results.  I've been doing pilates for a month and I can plank for 25 seconds. I have my knees on the ground, but hey I'll take it. -If I'm avoiding working out, change my workout.  I have been planning to do The Firm:...

Attack of the Sugar Monster/Summer Heat

That is an exact recreation of me...or my inner me.  I'm not sure what happened.  Its too early for PMS, but I have been on my on sugar binge for the last couple of days.  I am usually not much of a sweet person, but it has been an issue. Sunday I have 4 of the tiny hagen daz ice cream.  It amounts to about a scoop of ice cream when you add them all together.  Today I had another sugar craving and had two pack of cookies.  Add on to that I didn't work out. My house was hot and I turn into a big ole slug when its hot. I also didn't cook... I am currently not wining. I'm down overall for the month so I haven't done much damage, but I need to focus.  I joined the June exercise challenge on 3FC and I have one last pilates session to do.  I also didn't workout over the weekend.. I"m not winning SMH So I'll knock that out tomorrow morning Fingers crossed the craving goes away and I'll be sleep with the A/C on tonight. On the u...

Revenge of Cheat Day aka Death by Donut

So yesterday I was tired of egg white omelets so decided it was going to be cheat day.  I had 3 donuts... which is way more than I should I'll need to work on that.  I avoided the pizza at a dept meeting YAYYY NSV...and I had a salad. Went out with a friend to take a spin in my new car and had a hamburger. Really none of that is really horrible except my death by donuts.  I woke up meh today.   Kinda sluggish, feeling a little bloated. It might be just the end of the week or it might have been the carbs or a combination.  We'll see, but My final weigh in for the month is Tuesday and since I am fresh off my cheat day should be smooth sailing Even though I wasn't motivated I've learned I should go more than 2 days without working out.  Also I have 2 more days of Pilates to complete my exercise challenge for the month.  I ended up doing Leslie Sansone you can do pilates.  Its short and I always end up feeling better after...

Finally Back...its been a long Journey

So I promised myself I wouldn't post until I was in the 350s.  this time I started in the 370s (blah)  I hit 358 this last weekend, but I waited and I haven't shot final weigh in for the month is Tuesday so I should be fine.   So I usually blog fall off and then am annoyed with myself.  This time I really made myself accountable. I've been wanting to blog, but I made it a reward and feeling awesome. This is a quickie post, just happy I made it. My other reward was buying something and I chose the 21 day fix.  I'm learning I can't do the same workout over and over again or I"ll get bored and stop.  Also it was nice to buy it knowing I had earned it. Meal plan is modified slow carb and I workout in the morning 3-4 days a week.  I have a fitbit, but after the initial motivation,  I'm not a walker and it isn't something I can do long term for exercise. So yeah I'm back.  358. which isn't great, but on my way down...