So I put the air conditioner in last night and no problems getting up. My electric bill is going to be interesting at the end of the month, but its worth it. So last day of the month. There were alot of ups and down, but my belief is this is a journey and you learn from the sucky moments just as well and the awesome ones. Last scale reading for the month was 359. What did I learn: -I can go out and have a drink. A drink, and wine is better than beer. I will see a bump up on the scale, but as long as I go right back to eating on plan and working out it is really just a blip and not much to worry about -I do better when I bring lunch to work. I can stay on plan without, but its will help me and my pocketbook -Being consistent yields results. I've been doing pilates for a month and I can plank for 25 seconds. I have my knees on the ground, but hey I'll take it. -If I'm avoiding working out, change my workout. I have been planning to do The Firm:...
I am a woman trying to lose weight with a combination of intuitive eating , low carb diet and exercise.