So I got on the scale when 1. I was about to get my period and had gained 3 lbs...I try and make it a rule not to weigh on cheat days, immediately after, right before I get my period or during. So I have it now...and I've been on a bit of carb binge..and I haven't worked out. I'm sort of grumpy, but its the end of the summer, Labor Day weekend and I just wanted a break. Also I know I'll be focused once summer has come to an end. The other side to this is though...While I eat the carbs and they taste body isn't happy ..and so I just then move on from it.... My period has gotten alot easier to deal with it. Its gone from..maybe 7 days to 4...days... So I was looking at my credit card statement and realizing I eat out way too much and not just for health but for my bank account I need to stop eating out so much So tomorrow rather than working out i'm going to clean my kitchen, food shop and prep for the week. I'm only eating mon-wed, but...
I am a woman trying to lose weight with a combination of intuitive eating , low carb diet and exercise.