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Showing posts from July, 2010

Enjoying the little victories

So things are moving right along. I get on the scale friday. I don't feel any lighter, but my body seems alot happier. Some of the issues was huffing and puffing up a small hill I have to work to work in the subway station, my ankles and feet swelling, back hurting, no energy. All of that has changed. Ankles have gone down, feet are good. Its even easier to put on sandals because they aren't so swollen. I can see the difference walking up steps. I mean I running, but I am not sitting wondering if my heart is ok or not. Me eating for the most part has been pretty ok. My eating plan is eat like I have some damn sense. So breakfast at home, which mean I'm not eating the really high calorie and expensive breakfasts I was. Right now there isn't anything I want to bring for lunch and I'm tired of frozen meals. So I have given myself 10 bucks a day to eat lunch, and preferably no fast food. So I think alot more about what I'm eating. I think I'll end up ...

Working out in the heat

25 min cardio inferno. I tried to do a weight dvd as well, but was sweating SOOOO much and felt nauseous. I figures no need to collapse. I am going to try and get it some weights tomorrow we'll see. Weekend eating was.... Friday was ok, I stuck to salad and grilled chicken. I had 2 pieces, but couldn't really finish. I went to the movies Friday night and didn't eat anything. I think I had a 6in subway sandwich Friday as well. I need to keep better track of this. Saturday was horrible, but I think I am just going to have one day where I eat something bad. I think i need to do a full confession though. I went to Friday (the local applebees closed down and I had gotten to the point where I could go in have just an appetizer and that was it) Anyway. I had potstickers, small steake, half rack of ribs (sounds bigger than it is) loaded mashpotatoes, broccli and a choclate peanut butter pie dessert. Drink Seltzer with lemon. What do you think 4,000 calories easily. I guess I...


So I fell off the wagon right after my last post. Alot of it was due to having a bunch of events to go to and not wanting to cook in the heat. So I did 25 min with weights of walking and still going to try and hit my goal....we'll see who it goes. I think I can make up alot this weekend. 25 walking with chris.