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Showing posts from March, 2009

Can't stop won't stop, Changing my motivation

Ok, so I have been working out, but not keeping track not sure why, but my eating has been horrible...complete comfort eating. So a friend of mine $50 I would be 329 by May 1. So'll get on the scale April one and work my ass of. I think I've become desensitized to my motivation, or discouraged. will all the ups and downs the scale isn't the motivation it once was. So we'll see how this works so warm up and strength big cut to weight loss jari love, squat/lunge,bent leg deadlift and bicep curl, strangleg deadlife, overhead press. I'll calculate the min later.

The scale is is appblebees - 335

So I worked out, probably not the super workout I planned, but it is what it is. So I used the restoom and ended up at 335. So gained weight....3-4 lbs but not the 8-9 I thought it STOP USING THE SCALE AT NIGHT. Also I realized while I probably didn't think I ate badly I didn't eat anything at home...i think all my meals were eaten out, subway, baja, popeeyes, applebess..yeah I can see it now...So ONE Meal on friday and thats it. I did bootcamp firm...i didn't do the third weight section. oh yeah and I hate kickboxing...

Beaten but not Broken

So I was feeling good, I've been working out. I wore a skirt I haven't been able to fit in a while so I said hey lets see what the scale says....339, I cried...I just wanted to give up..I still just want to say the hell with it... I could guess at what happened, and it is only 7 lbs....I can lose that in a week. I am so...unhappy right now...the yo-yoing... No eating out till I hit 329. PERIOD. no applebess no idea what I am going to do when I go home to visit my parents.. Weigh in everySaturday now. I can't even express my level of disappointment right now. Its 11pm at night. So the only possible good thing is I KNOW it will be lower in the morning..... I was so FUCKING close...BLAH.....

Still Going...

I didn't work out wed or friday of last week so I did something this weekend and worked out today..soo Saturday Cardio inferno, didn't do second weight section - 15 min. Butt and thighs 15 min Sunday Chris shortcuts -26 min MOnday Chris cellulite - 41 min Jari love - 10 Eating was ok, most of the week then as usual friday and saturday I ate out. I don't think I over ate and I didn't so that b adly. Weighin is Saturday. Something interesting. I was going to do my min from Feb 23 to Mar 23 so the Feb min wouldn't be wasted and I guess in case I feel off the wagon again, but I calculated just from March 1 and I have 145 already...which isn't usual at all. I guess doing a little everyday works rather than tryin to kill myself 3 times a week.

Back it and still moving...

So since I stayed on plan last week I didn't work out this weekend AND i had popeyes on friday....Eating wasn't great....little things like I went to baja fresh and instead of the 2 taco AND a salad burrito I just had 2 tacos. So no idea if I gained or not, but I'm feeling ok. Today Cardio inferno - didn't do the second weight sections -21 belly butt and thighs- did half the abs....and not other floor work 17 min