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Showing posts from September, 2014

Riding at a 90 degree angle

So between going from a great beach vacation to 2 weeks of jury duty I've been on plan about 60%.  Weirdly I haven't gained or lost anything I think that has more to do with me doing more weight type exercises than cardio since usually I would have gained.  Anyway..I'm slowly easing back and hoping for a nice 3-4 weight loss to get me back to the 150s.  I'm tempted to try and challenge, but I think I just want to take it one day at a time. I've been helping me ex-fiancĂ© focus a lil more.  He's on blood pressure medication and both is parents are diabetic.  So I asked him to cut out potatoes and rice, two things he really likes...we'll see if it working.  I am going to try and eat wheatena 203 times a week to work on my cholesterol. Fall is here...which mean I'm be way more into cooking now that its cooled off.  YAY I already planned to make the paleo jambalaya for lunch next week.