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Showing posts from February, 2009

Walking is still ok

So its friday and as usual this is the day I REALLLY don't want to work I said ok I won't do the really hard work out I planned...I'll do a WATP and belly butt and thighs...The sweat was pouring off of me. LOL So watp 2 mile - 20 min belly butt and thigs, no belly, and no floor work - 15 min I am going to TRY to do something easy tomorrow morning...We'll see. not getting on the scale today...still basking in the 332. So lets talk about food...yesterday I forot to pack my lunch so I had 1 english muffin glass of milk salmon salad lots of salad dressing (blah) sushi so not great but not bad either.

Hard work pays off

So I wasn't supposed to get on the scale until suday, but I jumped on anyway...332...have to say I wanted to cry...Feels nice when all the eating right and excercising pays off. Before I got on the scale my motivation was being able to go to an amusement part and get on a roller coaster. while I was in orlando. So Happy. can't wait to see the 320s You don't have to excercise for 2 hours to lose weight. I did cardio infernio...all the cardio..only one weight section Jari love slim and lean squats and biceps. I will add back next week. I haven't been builind up to my 90 min I used to do and I think those days are gone. I feel like I challenged myself and I got in a good workout which I think it more important that excercising for hours. We'll see.

ya I suck again..

I was doing so well and then I didn't work out at all next week ..well except for Monday. I didn't cook so I ate out alot and that was a mess...So Saturday I got up and cooked for the weekend and i worked out this this morning. So I did Cardio inferno - minus the second weight segment. 15min Jari love slim and lean - squat, biceps. 10 min I'll add more as time goes on, just want to stay consistent


Normally when I don't post for a while its because I havent been working out or I have been doing badly... but actually I have worked out 4-5 days this month. The rule is basically i do waht I want to do...not forcing myself to do anything to hit my goal for min every month. I think I will go back to it, but I was getting to the point where if I wasn't going to work out for 80 min I wouldn't get up and counting the min was killing me.... So I have been working out, food has been good, I think my only weakness is weekend eating out, but I'll deal with today I am going to cook and life is good oh yeah 338 as of 2-11-09 I would LIKE to get out of the 330 by the end of the month..we'll see

Do something

So I didn't work out friday or saturday so I felt like I need to do something today. I just found a preventin fitness shortcuts to weight loss. 15 min short cuts to weightloss It wasn't much but i was sweating by the end. I got my period today so wondering what my weight will be when it is done. But this means that for my PMS I made pretty good choices. woo hoo and actually lost weight. I am going to have a steak and salad today. I have been craving beef quite a bit. I cooked my lunch for the week last night. I made spinach pasta salad and martha stewart asian stuffed cabbage rolls. I didn't put enough salt in the rolls, but other than that everything is ok. I'm going to make jamabalysa for dinner and put it over veggies.